11.00 AM
A : If you have a written manual, please send it to me. It would be useful.
B : I don't have it with me but a couple of people in my team might have it. I'll ask them.
This meeting could have ended here, in exactly 10 seconds. But A has taken a cab all the way to B's office for a face-to-face meeting. This ten-seconder could have even happened on the phone. Also, A is being paid a salary which is something that always guilts people into doing unnecessary and unproductive work. Like continuing this conversation with B.
A (decides to explain context) : So our firm is in a situation where we ...blah blah (2 minutes)...so it would really help us if we had a manual.
B (also warming up): As I said I don't have it with me right now. But I think a couple of people might have it in my team because I remember we were in a similar situation last year and ...blah blah...(2 minutes). So I'll ask them and if they have it, I will send you a copy.
5 minutes. Still not paisa vasool for the cab ride
A (trying a new tack as if that would make a manual magically appear) : It need not be a "manual" manual. Any document that outlines the process would suffice. Just a simple check-list, you know. Because, what are we trying to do here, after all...blah blah (5 minutes)
B (has had enough) : Hmm. Yes, I get that. I'll look for any document that might be useful in this context, alright?
A (fearing the meeting might end soon, raises important sounding but irrelevant issues) : If there's a problem with confidentiality, don't worry, we will sign a non-disclosure. It's purely for internal...
B: No no. That's not the problem
A: If we need to pay a token amount, you know or give you due credit for using your intellectual property, let me know
B: No, no. Haha. That won't be necessary.
A: It's important to clear these issues upfront. In my experience, if you do these things upfront in a very clear way, there's no problem later, you see?
B : Yes, absolutely. You are right. Ok, so let me ask my team if they have something for you
A : Yes, please do. I'll be grateful.
B : And I have your email id, so I'll forward you a copy.
A : Yes, you can check with your team and if they have a manual or any document that, you know, has an outline of the process, you can send it to me.
B : Yes, it need not be a manual strictly. I got that.
A : Yes, just a simple doc with a check list will also do. Of course, if it's a manual, then all the better. But I'm just saying it's not strictly necessary. Because, what's the purpose of it after all? blah blah...(5 minutes). So it's important that the purpose is served.
B : Yes, true. So I'll look for it and let you know.
A : Yes, please do. Thanks a lot for your time. Do let me know, once you've checked with your team, if you find something that we can use. And then you can forward it to me.
B : Yes. I'll do that. Ok, thanks for dropping by. I'll be in touch.
A : By when can I expect a call or email?
B (a little irritated now): Very soon. Like I said, I just have to check with a couple of people. If they have it, then I can just forward it to you very quickly. If they don't then, well...they don't
A : Yes, I understand. Ok, fine. So you check and let me know as soon as possible, if your colleagues have something I can use. You can email me a copy.
B : Yes, will do.
A : Thanks, I really appreciate it. Like I said, we just need it for this new thing we are starting...blah...
And some more spirals later...
11.30 AM
A (almost convinced now that his trip was worth it and feeling a warm glow about a solid meeting, but also wanting to show his superior critical thinking powers one last time) : Also remember to let me know if your policies come in the way, in terms of IPR and confidentiality and all that, alright?
B : Yes, that's not a problem.
A : It's important to be sure, right upfront, in my experience.
B(gets up to force the meeting to a close) : Yes, absolutely. Ok, Mr. A, nice to have met you. I'll be in touch once I talk to my team.
A(gets up) : Thanks for your time. See you. Let me know if you find anything. You could just email it to me.
11.40 AM
After A's exit,
B : Hey C, did we document that process XYZ somewhere? Is there a manual sort of thing?
C : No
B : Ok
11.41 AM
on email : "Dear A, I checked with my team and we don't seem to have any document that might be of help to you. Sorry! - B"